Thursday, 17 February 2011

Hey hey hey!

I hope you all had a lovely New Years, Valentines and any other major celebrations that I have missed in my absence from blogging.

I won't do my usual "so sorry" spiel. I will just say that 2011 has got off to an interesting start, lots of different things are currently going on that are distracting me from blogging.
Job hunting and our gorgeous new kitty cat being the main two.

How cute? I know.

Make-up purchases have been few and far between. I did indulge myself in some Chanel, but I think their solei de tan has been reviewed to death already :)
If you want me to talk about it then just shout.

I'm not feeling very motivated to blog at the moment.
Actually, that's a lie, I'm very motivated. But I just don't know what to talk about.
I started this blog to talk mainly about make-up and beauty products and I'm not really feeling either at the moment.
I don't get as excited about new products and collections as I used to. My love for YouTube tutorials has not waivered but that's where it seems to stop.

So if I'm quiet again that's why but I will be trying my best to blog more frequently. Even if it's not make-up related for a while.

I hope that my lovely followers understand and will stick with me :)

Til next time, dolls xo